The Greaser!

""The Greaser" is a perfect pomade for my hair, Oldschool but modern, amazing scent, scoops out easy, easy to work in the hair, holds all day long!" 

Etsy Customer

"Been using this product for over a year. Easy to work with and does a great job styling and forming your hair while leaving a firm hold all day. It also has a pleasant scent! Easily competes with bigger name brand hand cream products."

Lucas Etchason

"Overall (4/5) - I love how versatile this product can be, and that’s why I’m giving it a 4 of 5. If I want to use it as a light pomades - I can. If I want a meatier hold, I can add more and it becomes a medium. If I want more hold than that, then I apply over some build up - bam - it’s a lighter firm."

Rhapsodysreviews, Instagram